
Headshot Photography Guidelines

Hi, my name is Tammy Brice and I am the local photographer for Chartwell Headquarters in Minneapolis, MN.

This page is here to deliver all the details you need to match Chartwell’s current headshots.

BACKGROUND: Please shoot on white 3/4 body. We will be adding in skyline backgrounds for the website. Examples below….

LIGHTING: Flatter lighting and from a bit above the subject is best. We would like a rim/kicker/hair light behind the subject’s left side.

POSING: Subject can face all three ways. Please try to avoid hands on hips and try to keep arms closer to the body for cut out and marketing purposes.

FACIAL EXPRESSION: Both an open-mouthed and close-mouthed smile is perfect.

GALLERY: Send/share the gallery with the subject either at the shoot or after the the shoot and have them choose one image file.

EDITING: No editing needed….we will take care of that for you.

SENDING US THE IMAGE: Once the final image is selected, there are 3 steps.

1. Name the File MONTH/DAY/FIRST/LAST/STATE EX: 0616JohnSmithMN.jpg

2. Upload Image to this DROPBOX FOLDER

3. Send us an email to let us know you uploaded a new image file. Include this in the subject line:
CHARTWELL | Subject’s Name | State

Please reach out to with questions.

Follow Tammy Brice on Instagram
